Friday, April 26, 2013

Moms Need Rest Too

Moms need rest too..

I can be a mom. I can be a wife. I can be a daughter. I can be a sister. I can be a teacher. I can be a friend. I can be an educator. I can be a customer service representative. I can be student. I can be a gardener. I can be a cook. I can be a trainer. I can almost become everything. But believe me, I can't do those without rest.

This time, I'm out with mommy time and wife time. I'm going to have my vacation.

At Cebu International Airport... waiting for my friends to finish their food..

One good way to pamper my self is relaxing and getting away from the real world. My real world is my everyday world.

Once in a while, it isn't too bad to have a vacation and do self time. We all need that to keep our sanity  intact despite of all the obstacles or hurdle that each mom like me encounters everyday. By burdens I meant, balancing my life as a mom and a wife at the same time. Plus all those bills I need to think about everyday and of course the inevitable circumstances we really don't like to happen such as somebody gets an accident or gets sick in the family and has to be admitted in the hospital or running out of budget. Plus if you're a working mom, you also need to think about work, salary, boss and colleagues.

 With my friends Teacher Jhong and Teacher Riz at General Santos City Airport... 

Behind me is a Chocolate Hill.

I still consider my self very lucky because my husband is not my problem in my marriage life. In addition to that, my son is never a problem as well. I am a very fortunate woman because I have boys who love me. In fact, my husband Ian was the one who encouraged me to go with my friends and have fun because he doesn't want me to get bored at home. It was really I who doesn't wanna leave my son.

It has been 3 years since I last went out (away from hometown) with friends. And to date, I am now 3 years happily married with my husband.

My friend Teacher Riz and I at Man-Made Forest, Bohol.

Hanging Bridge of Loboc

At Magellan's Cross... Cebu

Outside Magellan's Cross...

A visit to Basilica..
Sto. Nino..

This vacation was another way of thanking the Lord for so many blessings he has given me. I really grabbed the opportunity to visit the old churches in Cebu and Bohol. 

At Crown Regency Hotel.. I survived the skywalk extreme challenge...

My certificate...

Hinagdanan Cave.. So dark and creepy!!!
For the sake of the stalactite and stalagmite..

Breakfast at RORO... Shipride..
I really did not like the ride.. 

That's the RORO behind me.. That ship.. or any ship, I really don't like it..

This vacation gave me the chance to conquer my fears namely: DARKNESS, WATER and HEIGHT... For I survived all of those in our trip. 

Darkness: I managed to go down the cave of Hinagdanan and even took pictures of stalactite and stalagmite.

Water: I managed to survived riding the ship/ RORO. Water all around me makes me feel anxious and so sick but oh well, I did great I guess because I did not do things like being hysterical. However, I still feel like I'm in the ship right now.

Height: I survived walking at Skywalk Extreme on 37th floor of the building.

I really did not like the idea of the conquer fear thing, but what could I do, the ship was the only way to get to Bohol. Walking through the Skywalk Extreme was the only way to have sumptuous meal at a very sophisticated hotel in the heart of Cebu. And oh well, where on earth could I literally find stalactite and stalagmite if I didn't take the chance to go down that cave and experience how it was like in a dark room..

But the most amazing part of my travel was FOOD. I am a food lover and will always be.

 At my own restaurant "Jonie's" hahahaha I wish..
The spelling's different..

 This is called "Pork Steak HUNGRY".. Suits me well...

 Eat all you can dinner.. How's that!?? And when I went over the counter of food...
Everything was so mouthwatering that I only ended up with Thai and Japanese food..

There was a rain shower of sweets and yummy cakes but I only got the crepe.
The crepe isn't actually mine.. I just ate my friend's crepe..

And this was dinner on the 36th floor.. 

And more good food.. I really love food! I'm not even afraid to try any dishes.

 Zubuchon.. Finest lechon.. "Roasted Pork"

Vacation is LOVE!!! Thanks to my hubby for letting me out of the house and enjoy..


Please follow this little momma blogger on instagram: slimwitch


  1. lovely pics, moms really need to rest :)

    1. Thanks Lavinia!!! You're right. I know you can relate much. Please visit the Philippines soon.. :)

  2. awesome! so glad you got that time. I can't remember my last vacation.

    1. Thanks! Well, thanks to my husband.. That's ok.. Family vacation is as good as well. The only problem is my husband works in Afghanistan... Too far from Philippines.. That's why.. Have a lovely day!
