Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Congratulations to Bryan Genotiva

Congratulations to my brother
Bryan Genotiva
Bachelor of Science in Nursing

It took me more than a month for this upload. Too late.. But oh well, better late than never. I was busy with other things.

And on the 2nd time, I was not able to attend the graduation ceremony because I was 3 months pregnant and there were a lot of people in the venue. 

He is my brother. Among the three of us, I must say that my brother is the most intelligent. He displayed that higher form of intellect when he was in grade school and I was already in College. He could write poems (which he would let me read every time he finished making something) I never wrote when I was in grade school. He wrote wonderful stories which I haven't got to read. He reminds me a lot of the great Jose Rizal (our national hero in the Philippines). He is a poet.

And I thought poetry would end in grade school. Oh well, he brought that in high school and he was even an Editor-in-Chief in their school paper. He was one of the best debaters during their time.

I wasn't surprise that he graduated College being active in debate team. They had lost some games but they won many times more than they lose for the College of Nursing or Division 5.

One thing I really I felt weird about him is that everyday that he grows older, he gets even conceited.. Bwahahaha.. But ... nevertheless, we love him and we are so proud of him for making it through College.

 During their pinning and ringhop ceremony; with our Mom.

Me, my brother and my mom
Our mom who worked so hard for us three to graduate in College.

 After graduation, we decided to go to the cemetery
to visit our Father and Grandfather who are now with the Lord.
Although Bryan won't speak much, I know he also dedicated
this special event of his life to them.

Our photos..
Me, my sister and my brother

Congrats Bryan!
Our future RN and Physician.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Finger Puppet Making (Summer Fun)

This week was the start of summer so the kids had their activities fixed. I enrolled them with Jollibee's 2 hour Activity. That activity was called "Finger Puppet Making". This was a way to reduce boredom.

They were really unsure of what's going to happen for this day. Puppet making is a form of art. This is a good way to enhance the coloring skills and imagination of the kids. That's 100% creativity.

Plus they would also learn how to mingle with other people and make new friends.

 Thanks for the visit Jollibee!

And they got certificates as well. That's another souvenir of the fun they had.

My son's 2 years old. He's not allowed to join yet but we was so eager to use coloring materials and he really disturbed his Aunts: Anica and Alexa because he wanted to be with them and join in whatever made them busy. This was not his finished product but he was really amazed that he had a chance of having one. Thanks for the crew of Jollibee, Robinsons, General Santos City for this experience. They have such amazing staff, very nice, friendly and accommodating.

Hoping to have fun in the next summer days to come!