Monday, January 18, 2016

Mary Kay Satin Hands Review

Mary Kay Satin Hand Spa Set
Photo Credits:

Hi there mommies and single ladies of all ages! Today, I will be introducing a wonderful product from Mary Kay.

When I first started being an Independent Beauty Consultant of Mary Kay last June 2015, they gave me a challenge. The challenge was to purchase a certain amount and the reward was winning the HAND SPA SET. The hand spa set contains Hand Softener, Hand Scrub and Hand Cream and all of those were in the scent peach.

The first thing I did was look for clients who would be ecstatic to order Mary Kay products. The response I got from social media alone was absolutely amazing. Relatives, friends, former co-teachers and classmates were giving me orders I didn’t expect. Some of them were previously Mary Kay users and were not able to find their Consultants anymore for more than 2 years or 1 year and now that I was doing it, they were ordering tons of items.

My own set. Clearly it's been used over and over again
since June 2015 by different clients.

So, I placed the order and I really got the reward. I was so excited to use it. My Consultant and coach Engineer Jiffrey Ann already gave me hand spa treatment a year before I became a consultant but the feeling of having the relaxing moment is quite different. I tried it again and good thing that I wasn’t allergic to it. I have tried many lotions at the market, pharmacy or even malls, no matter how cheap or expensive for as long as I would itch, I would immediately stop using it. And then again, I wasted TOO MUCH money for both cheap and expensive lotions. So I am very happy that I got this hand spa set for FREE and I got a hand spa set which I AM NOT ALLERGIC TO.

There are 3 steps in the hand spa set:

1)      First is to wet your hands or use a dampen cloth to prepare your hands for the creams. Then apply a very small amount of the hand softener. Just rub it on the palm of your hands and sometimes I include the wrist. If you know proper washing technique which is used in the hospitals or any medical practitioners, you may use that technique. You will feel that it softens your hands.
2)      Second is to place the hand scrub (the one with the pump) on your softened hands. Rub it like the way you did on your first step. You could feel every bead on your hands and your palm. It scrubs out the dead skin cells. One of my clients told me, it feels like salt. But it’s wonderful. I couldn’t agree more. Then time to rinse it. Rinse it very well. The problem with some people is that, when they buy expensive products, they tend to let it stay on their skin for a longer period of time and they do not wash it when it’s time to rinse it. That’s one reason your skin would dry. Hand scrubs are also like facial scrubs, you only have to use it once or twice a week to prevent excessive drying of skin.
3)      Third, after rinsing is patting your hands dry. Do not over dry it on the towel. Keep a little moisture then add a little amount of Hand Cream on your hands. Rub it like lotion. The scent is really lovely. And the effect is great!

My own hands
I'm showing the before and after Satin Hands use.
I didn't use anything on my right hand.

In addition to that, you may use Mary Kay Satin Hand Spa set for your feet. It lessens cracks and makes it feel and look smoother like a baby skin. Just like what I did with my feet because I really have an old looking skin.

Benefits: (For buying Mary Kay Satin Hands Spa)
1) Your hands will be soft as satin. I'm using it for 7 months now and I love it. Works for me.

2) Your hands have the chance to have even skin tone; except if you have undergone surgery due to 3rd degree burn. So you can't expect that even skin tone.

3) The scent of Peach is really good. Not too overpowering. Not to light. It's neutral.

4) You may use it for your feet as well. There is a chance for your fee to get that smooth feel and look! Less crack! Just like mine.

5) It's not expensive. It is very very MONEY WISE. Php 2600 for 7 months and there is still more in the containers is like Php 300+ a month of hand spa and foot spa! So if you are going to the spa and spend Php 300 every two weeks, that's Php 600 a month x 7 is Php 4,200 for your feet alone. It doesn't include your hands. So, which is more MONEY WISE now??? You compute! :D

That’s it for now. I will be posting products of Mary Kay which I have tried and love. You may reach me through my business number (083) 552 9081 if you would like to have Mary Kay business here in the Philippines. I would be very much willing to assist you. If you would like to try this SATIN HANDS for FREE, let me know. 

Have fun!

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