Kurt, my son is now 3 years. Most kids in his age would still prefer
playing, so let them be. It is a part of a child’s growth and learning. But one
thing that ignites my skills for teaching even more is when kids at this age
start to ask their parents for guidance on how to write things intelligibly
like writing letters and numbers, or drawing shapes.
Kurt painting shapes
June of 2014
When kids start to hold pen and
paper or coloring materials, just let them use it. Although, you have to be
very careful because they are going to paint the town red.. (clear throat) I
mean, they are going to paint all your walls red and purple and green and all
the colors they have in their hands. The most important thing you could do as
parents or guardians is to guide them and nourish their skills or talents.
Kurt's first wonderful circles.
Start with simple and common
shapes like circle, triangle, square and rectangle. Then teach the other shapes
after the common shapes. It would also be better if you have other activities
that would enhance the power of reiterating to these toddlers what shapes are.
You could cut some used colored papers and show them the shapes you would like
them to draw. You could also find objects that show common shapes like box and
handkerchief for square or ice cream cone for triangle and balls for circle.
Bringing and showing real objects is called authentic learning or learning by
real experience. Be very creative and use colorful objects so you could catch
the attention of these fine young men and pretty ladies (who only have 5 minute
span of attention). You could also let them watch videos with songs that
indicate shapes. There are a lot of cd’s or shows on youtube these days which
you could pick for your kids.
The squares he painted a day after he painted the circles.
Some kids learn faster than my kid.
But learning process isn't equal to all. Some may learn fast and others learn slower.
He painted triangles 3 days after rectangle.
Everything that you have worked
hard for in teaching them on how to scribble will soon be clear. Their doodles
will soon have meanings. Patience is a must in teaching toddlers!
He is now starting to write straight lines.
NOTE: Lines should be taught first before letters and numbers.
RATIONALE: For the kids to understand better the origin of the things they are writing
(How letters and numbers came to be).
That’s it for now, I hope you
enjoy simple ideas that I shared for your little one to enjoy writing shapes,
letters and numbers.
The importance of scribbling here http://joneepslimwitch.blogspot.com/2013/02/lets-scribble-and-have-some-fun.html