Monday, December 29, 2014

Three - Month Old Milestone

Hi Mommies!

I will be sharing about the development of 3 – month old babies this time.

For little angels at 3 months, their neck is much stronger this time. When you carry them, they could already carry their heads but there should be support. They sometimes wobble but that is normal. They stretch their legs and kick when they are happy or excited. It is one of their ways to communicate on how they feel. They also talk to familiar people by coos and sounds.

 Our little sweetheart.

They focus on colors. They love watching different colors and different shapes. It enhances their intellectual capacity. Their eyes mature and most of the time follows the object they focus from slow to a bit faster movement. They even stare at their own faces when you let them look at the mirror. For hearing, they love listening to music. But I suggest Mozart’s and Beethoven’s.

Our little girl on her belly now on her 3rd month.
She's trying to control her knees and hands for her to crawl.

They have bigger space for milk now. They could even sleep longer than the few months. Of course, sleeping pattern still changes.  Sometimes, when they cry during their sleep, just let them be. Give it about a few minutes before you should carry them again because they are having dreams or they just cried because of their own movements.

Some babies are advance and some are late but never worry. Unless, it is really too late.

Have fun mommies!

From our family to yours..

Merry Christmas!!!
Christmas 2014

Friday, December 26, 2014

Two - Month Old Milestone

Hello Mommies!!!

It’s time to give some baby updates.

Our little Princess at 2 months.

For two month old babies, their sleeping pattern by this time has changed again. With regards to their psychomotor development, babies’ motor development is more coordinated than the earlier month. The sucking reflex is stronger. They even love sucking their fingers. So keep their fingers clean and dry to avoid eating germs.

For the babies’ emotional development, they already smile when you talk to them or when you smile to them. That is how they interact socially. Although, there are other babies who would already laugh at this time but not all do that. So, don't compare your kids with other kids.

 When she first smiled.

The result of PURE breastfeeding; a healthy baby.

For brain development, babies’ love looking at things with different colors especially dark colors. They even love things with circles or other shapes. These images help them discover colors and shapes.

Caught on cam.. Her first laughter.. 

For their senses, they love listening to your voices and they also wander when there are people with unfamiliar faces and voices. So, always try to talk to your babies so they could easily remember your faces and voices distinctively from others or from strangers.

That’s it for now! Have fun!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

One Month Old Milestone

Hello Mommies! After giving birth, moms would feel tired and sleepy all the time. But there is one thing that would make mommies awake and that would be the newborn baby!

My daughter Kera when she a few days old.

The journey to motherhood starts the day moms see their newborns. Taking care of newborn babies should be taken seriously. These little munchkins are way too young to help themselves. They are very dependent to their mothers.

When she was a month old.

Most of the time during the first month of the baby’s life, the baby will just sleep a lot. Parents must be aware that the baby will have a different sleeping pattern and it depends on the baby. No baby is alike, not even all your children even if they have the same parents. Although they sleep a lot, they also do other things like developing their innate reflexes like sucking. Not only sucking but coughing, sneezing and hiccups comes along with the first few months of development.

Taking care of newborns require hard work, patience and full safety. They could not lift their heads on their own, so they need full assistance and guidance. Giving bath would be a little tedious because warm water should always be prepared and bathing them should be quick but really clean. It should be quick because the heat in their body or thermoregulation is not yet fully developed. They might get colds if soaked too long in the water. The more you cuddle your baby the moment you breastfeed is the more their thermoregulation in their body develops quickly.

Newborns and one month old babies are near sighted. Their eyes are still developing that’s why they couldn’t see things clearly. They could easily smell their mothers but takes time to recall. They also like sweet smell. However, there are children that are very sensitive and they sneeze a lot when they smell too harsh scents like perfumes or air fresheners or powders. So if possible, avoid strong scents that would cause asthma. Their hearing is not clear yet but they could hear sounds like the voices of their mothers or fathers. So, don’t freak out if they will not react to your call or when you talk to them.

That’s if for now. I hope you got some good ideas on what to expect during the first month of your babies. Have a lovely day!