Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Health Warrior

Thanks to this nurse who addressed my son's needs (and probably some of the others) during his stay in the hospital. I recently found out from my cousin Kathy that this nurse was doing a great job in taking care of my cousin's baby as well. Thank you! Thumbs up to you!

Vomit for 3 times in a row. Pooped 4 times in a row with a very short number of minutes interval and everything happens in a very short span of time. And now, all pale white and fainting. Moms hate kids getting sick and just don’t know what to do.

As a mom, I get excited and thrilled to see my son’s milestones but raising a kid doesn’t end with purely good things because unexpected situations also happen like babies getting sick and that is just devastating.

I spent my first 3 years in College of Nursing. I spent most of my years in College of Education and dealt with children of different ages (from Pre-school to 12 year-old kids), from different races (Cebuano, Tagalog, Muslims, etc..), I even taught teenagers like high school students, I educated out of school youth teens and moms without jobs and I believed way back then that if I will have kids in the future, I will surely know how to take care of them. But no! My experiences in life were never sufficient when reality of being a mom already happens. I just ran out of ideas how to get my son out of trouble. Panic, fear and tears falling from my eyes were inevitable.

I was however, saved by our neighbor. They took us to the hospital without hesitation only the will to help others. I was really grateful for Atendido family for that.

And I thought it was going to be alright. The sad part was; that hospital’s emergency room staffs were never qualified. If I were to rate their work that day alone from 1 to 10; 1 as the lowest and 10 as the highest, then I’ll be giving them ZERO.

Work as nurses and doctors - they were so slow… I thought that day; all slow pokes just combined their powers and as result --- tragedy! Even the resident on duty or doctor on duty was the leader of all the extremely earthwormly-turtle work. Sad to say, but it was true. There were only 3 patients; three kids on their ER but they were not able to attend to the patients’ needs. The nurses even pretended they were doing something but they were doing nothing but chit-chatting! When I looked at them in the eye, they try to look up to the ceiling. Now, what is that? Where the h-e-c-k is nursing care? Where are their brains? Why wouldn’t they help? I did not pay Php5,000 immediately as a down payment for them to look up to the ceiling when I try to eye communicate with them. I paid for my son’s life, so they have to give a quick response as that’s their job.

Then again, God was really good. He must have probably sensed that I was about to shout at the people there so after 45 f-u-c-k-i-n-g minutes, we were entertained by a staff.

I remained calm, kept my mouth shut and bear in my mind what I always tell myself “Educated people don’t shout at dullards. They keep silent and smirk.”

But my son was in terrible shape and Lord knows how he looks that day. Kurt must have been dehydrated, dry skin, sunken and dark eyes, could hardly breath and fainting.

Vomiting was persistent and even defecation was happening all at once on our first day. Second day was even tougher. He got high grade fever (38 degrees, 39 an then higher) for 24 hours or more. I did not know what was going on already. I was hoping for the best to come and yet expecting for the worse. All I could do was pray.

However, there were slight changes on the third day, he was doing well and walking around. On the fourth day, he began having fever again. It was really heart-breaking for a mom like me to see my unico hijo suffer. How I wish that God would just give me Kurt’s burden so I could carry it for him.

For five days, there was a serious and continuous monitoring for my son’s health. Thanks to the nurses of 3-D station in that same hospital. They were way too different from the ER nurses who received my son on ER. The 3-D nurses were very patient-centered, compassionate, caring, loving people (not just loving nurses but loving people; face reading – psychological thing - clairvoyant) and they smile. Their auras were so light and positive. They were kind and there, I saw real FILIPINO nurses. I was so happy that my patience never ticked off when I was there.

Plus, I’m very thankful until now that Kurt’s pediatrician was doing great with his job as a doctor and doing a great job as a human being. Nowadays, kind doctors are rare. Most of them are horrible but Kurt’s pedia and his wife (my OB) are different. They’re very down to earth and they would really explain what’s happening. They are cool, keep you calm, tell you the truth but stay positive. No wonder they are blessed.
After five days stay in the hospital, I’m very glad that my son has now fully recovered. Thanks to all the nurses of 3-D and Doc Norman Babar. God bless you all!

Note: The words I have placed here are factual and are based on personal and authentic happening in one of the private hospitals here in General Santos City, Philippines. Negative comments are not meant to hurt people but rather to help them evaluate their hospital, hospital staff and their selves and eventually changed their attitude towards work. And with that, they could improve. I just hope that someday, this kind of bad attitude (the-I-only-care-about-my-time-out-attitude) will be eradicated. (I have aunts and even friends who are nurses and doctors but I have seen them work, they're not rude.)

 People who get to the hospital have serious problems. I mean, face it, who are stupid enough to go to the hospital just to spend money and waste time? No one! Ergo, all people going to the hospital should be well taken-cared of.

For those nurses and doctors who are doing their job, thanks to you! You save people. People like you are now endangered species.

And for those who think I am rude, I’m only responsible of what others have shown me, responsible of what I have presented before you but never responsible of how YOU understand the situation. You could only understand such manner if you are a mother.

Besides if criticizing is considered a crime, what then do you call people not working  or pretending they're doing something on working hours but actually not and yet getting paid? Ain't that an abomination too? Just thinking..

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