Thursday, April 23, 2015

Seven Month Old Milestone

A view of our little Kera on her 7th month

From crawling to sitting down (assisted), now your little love ones are already sitting down on their own and trying to stand up with a little assistance. They are learning how to crawl very fast. They already have a sense of direction. They have a vivid memory of their room. They know where to go or where are their parents if you put them in one area. Little babies already love playing with toys. If possible, give them big colorful toys. Colors teach them how to differentiate one object from the other. Big toys will prevent them from eating smaller ones.

Standing on her own but with little assistance

On their 7 months, little teeth will already grow. Little Kera had her first two lower central incisor. It took her several weeks of drooling and just biting everything she touches. Thank God though that she did not have fever or cough and colds. Other babies would tend to experience being febrile or having cough and colds because of teething. (That's what other mommies would say.) So, both of my kids did not experience having these at all. But they drool a lot and they were not able to eat very well. Our little baby is such a good eater. She is not like her brother. My son is a picky eater. My daughter is not and she eats all fruits and vegetables served before her. However, during teething time, she wasn't able to eat for 2 weeks. She lost weight but gained it back when teeth came out and she went eating again.

Playing with toys while sitting down on her own.

Other moms ask teething gel from their doctors which I also did just to ease the pain. There is an instruction from the pedia or dentist on how to put the teething gels.

On their 7 months, babies love to explore different tastes as well. But just be careful on allergies or asthma with the food you are giving them.

Celebrating her 7th month with me and my son.

They are also trying to communicate at this stage. My daughter already know how to speak "Mama" and it makes me happy. She would say that word if she's in pain or happy to see or when she wants to sleep. That is already a relief knowing that our kids are already trying to speak. It is a sign of speech development.

During her baptism / christening day.

Be aware of separation anxiety. If you are really taking care of your young ones, they would cry a lot when you depart from them even if you are just going to the comfort room / rest room to pee. If they cannot see you, they will cry. They also have stranger anxiety just like my daughter. If she doesn't know the person, she won't smile and she will cry if that stranger will carry her.

Sharing this special moment with you guys.
Kera's Baptism with me.

These are the things I could share as a part of my daughter's growth on her 7 month old journey. Please share your experiences with your kids as well. I would be happy to read your thoughts too.

Take care and enjoy reading!

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