Thursday, May 30, 2013

All For You -- The Sign

A very not the usual post. I can't help but share. I had been busy lately with my business and with something I had been preparing with more than 1 decade now. Still, it bothers me somehow.

So, out of boredom and troublesome thoughts, I was kinda thinking "I was already good and at my best when I still could not find the things I could be happy with." And I ran over this. (Please read below)

I was actually being re-directed to something better.

Somehow I managed to relax although I was surprised with what I saw. I kept thinking "Am I even doing the right thing? Why is this so difficult for me?" I scrolled down (looking on my monitor)... And I saw this (Read below)

To my surprise, I laughed and told myself. "Should I even make a move? What if I'll be doing the wrong thing?". And as I scrolled down.. I saw this..

I was about to cry. I thought these are already signs. How could I possibly just mistakenly see this as a mere quotation when what happened tonight was more than the usual. I am getting scared and worried and even STRESSED out with this once in a lifetime opportunity which I had been holding back for more than a decade. And then.. I saw another quotation which followed the previous one I had read..

It completely says "DON'T STRESS about the future, it hasn't arrived."

And the final question in my mind was then again "Can I do it?"

And the last quotation I read was ...

What a night!

(Just sharing a weird night and some weird quotations which would pop out immediately directly answering my questions.)


  1. God is good. Ask, and you shall be answered. :)

    1. like what you said "all you need to do is believe and let the universe do the rest.." plus you also said "ALL FOR YOU".. Thank you for always supporting.

  2. I really like the being redirected to something good quote. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yeah, I thought so too.. You are always welcome kim.
