Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day (2013)

I will only leave two quotes today on my blog. But these quotes are not mine. I just saw it on facebook.

"Life begins with a mother."


"A father's work is from sun to sun. But a mother's job is NEVER done."

"My mamang"

This is my mother. I call her mamang. She is one tough woman and a very strong one also. She's determined  . She's both strict and funny. I really don't have any idea how she does that at once. She was very strict with me and funny with my siblings. HAHAHAHA Maybe because among the three of us, I'm the eldest and I have lots of restrictions because I am the most hard headed child.

She's a single mother for 15 years now, that was since my father died because of cancer. That's one simple logic why she remained tough. She was the sweetest mom when I was younger. She became a dragon when my dad died. Kidding! She probably just didn't want people to make a fool out of her, that's why.

My mom defied all the limitations and pushed herself to do things she thought she could never do. Despite those, I am very proud of her because she did men's work or jobs just to prove that she didn't need any man to send us to school, pay the bills (electricity, phone, water, cable network) and to feed us. She had done men's work that I know other mommies could not do without their husbands like changing light bulbs, fix water pipes in the rest room and lavatory or measure them or fix anything that requires men.

Mamang taught me a lot of things since the day I was born. She's one incredible woman. We kinda look the same in some ways but I look like more of my dad. We are different in every aspect. What she likes, I don't like. What I like, she doesn't like. One best example is that she cooks really good and I am adequate. She bakes really awesome goodies, makes good home made burger and halo halo with all halo halo ingredients hand made like minatamis na langka, ube jam and all... Oh well, I on the other hand love eating. She sews clothings and I am fine. I could fix my son's clothes but not make new ones. Oh but we both love cross stitching. I do cross stitch, she does asterisk stitches. Imagine! She and my sister both love shocking heels with shocking colors and I go with plain but elite choices of heels. Bwahaha if she's gonna read this, she's gonna hit me. But we still get a long with each other especially when my husband turned me into a momma.

When the day came that I started to become a mom, I understand how she was with me because only when you become a mother would you understand how your momma feels and this line too "You'll understand when you become a mom.". 

Happy Mother's Day mamang! 

 Me! effect of zumba and braces.. I got skinny.. LOL
and that's my son's hand reaching for the cake..

 My husband's e'card for me. Thank you love!

This photo is not mine. This was taken from the internet.

Have fun moms!!!

Follow me on facebook: Jonee Ross Genotiva Acedilla
Follow me on instagram: slimwitch