Friday, June 26, 2015

Nine Month Old Milestone

At 9 months, your baby is now a fast crawler.. They would crawl using their two knees and they are super fast. Most of these babies would climb the stairs but be very careful they might fall down so parents please keep watch. Just like my daughter, she would climb up the stair and go down on her own but of course, we still assist her to avoid accidents.

They are also playful and would tend to move a lot. They would change position rapidly from sitting down to crawling to standing and then sitting down again. When they walk, other books would suggest that we should allow babies to walk barefoot for them to develop their muscles on their feet. I guess that is also a good suggestion. It worked for my son (first born) and I am doing it for my 2nd born.

They are also developing their motor skills especially fine motor skills. They would pinch you literally. Or they would pick up small pieces of items from the floor using their little thumb and index fingers.

Clapping of hands is also learned in this stage. Even high five is learned but only by consistency basis. In addition to that, babies will have more teeth. At 9 months, my daughter has already 4 milk teeth; two on the upper incisors and two lower incisors and one lateral incisor on the lower area coming. Sometimes, it makes them uncomfortable or uneasy and even sleepless. There is oral teething gel for this case but go to your Doctor first.

They love playing with balls. I suggest big soft balls for throwing. I was even surprise when my 4 year old boy played with me and the little baby went crawling towards us and picked up the ball and threw it. She wanted to join. So we played and we all enjoyed it.

You can even teach them to dance. Just play the music and show them. They would love it and they would really smile a lot.

That's it for now mommies, I hope you enjoy! Comment below for questions and suggestions. Thanks!

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