Tuesday, October 6, 2015

How To Fight Back Simple Classroom Bullying

Bullying is an unwanted and aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or imbalanced of power (according to stopbullying.gov). Let us understand bullying.

It has different types according to some websites like: teasing, calling names, inappropriate sexual comments, taunting, threatening to cause harm, embarrassing someone in public, spreading rumors about someone, telling other children not to be friends with someone, hitting someone, kicking someone, pinching someone, spitting on someone, tripping, pushing, taking or breaking someone’s things and even making mean gestures or hand gestures.

I have simple ways to prevent it. This is my first time to share my secret on how to manage bullying inside the classroom.

Exhibit A: Kind of Bullying: Making mean gestures and taking someone’s things
There was one time when a child, very close and dear to me told me that she / he won’t eat and bring any more “baon” because her / his classmate keeps on eating whatever she / he brings. Not to mention hitting him / her if she / he won’t give the food. What I suggested was let her / him bring 2 “baon” or snack instead of just 1. Put too much salt on the other rice and the other is just plain rice. If the classmate will get the rice again forcefully, then it’s time for her / him to bring out the SALTY RICE first. When the classmate taste it, good luck!

Discussion: If we go over exhibit A, the kind of bullying is making mean gestures and taking someone’s things. The thing is you will only give the salty rice if the bully asks for it again and tries to hit you again. If not, don’t give it. Or else you become the antagonist. Do only prevention of Exhibit A if you have warned the teacher already for 2x about the attitude of the bully against you or your other classmates.
Exhibit B: Kind of Bullying: Making mean gestures and taking someone’s things
If a classmate will keep on asking for food from you and that’s the last food you have, you can always share. That’s what our parents and the bible would always say, share your blessings. But there are others who will take your food without asking. Either they will run away with it or spank you and get your food and drinks and even money and laugh at you. So, if you are holding a soda or milk or water in a glass container or can container and that bully approaches you and tries to get your soda, just SPIT on it or DROOL on it. And give it to him. He will have second thoughts on taking it.

Same thing with sandwich, prepare 2 sets of sandwich. 1 with very salty and too peppery mixture in the middle. Why in the middle of the sandwich? Well, no one would know that you prepared a different thing. Take out the too SALTY and PEPPERY sandwich and nervously give it to the one who is always taking your “baon” from you.. Why nervously? It’s pretending that you are scared of him but actually you are not and it’s like, “YEAH RIGHT, TAKE IT. GOOD LUCK WHEN YOU EAT IT!”

Discussion: If we go over exhibit B, the kind of bullying is making mean gestures and taking someone’s things. On the kinds of bullying it was stated that SPITTING ON SOMEONE is a form of bullying but fighting back bullies by SPITTING ON THE FOOD OR DROOLING ON THE FOOD THEY TAKE AWAY FROM YOU FORCEFULLY is not bullying. Again, do this if and only if they will try to get the food again. Quickly spit on it if and only if they are about to take it away from you or when they are about to hit you. If they have seen you do it, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! Warn the teacher before you try to do this so the teacher would be aware about what they are doing to you and your classmates. Make sure that the teacher is not one of them or someone whose credibility could be bought.

Well, there are other things you could do to prevent bullying on your own. Just think of the way the bullies would think and you should always know how to get away with the mess without you being scolded by either the teacher or your parents.

NOTE: Be open to your parents, guardians and teachers about the problem. Your parents or guardians and teachers can help you best.

Best of luck!

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