Thursday, February 28, 2013

Working with Red, Yellow, Blue (Introduce Primary Colors to 1 year old kids)

The most exciting part of teaching colors to kids is presenting the primary colors: red, yellow and blue. But this is also a difficult part especially for 1 year old kids because this is the first time they will know that each color they see have names.

Kurt doing his art work with primary colors.

The part where parents get to choose what coloring material do they have to use for their babies is as hard as educating them with primary colors. Although, kids at this age have absorbent minds like that of a sponge. So, everything you teach them will be digested. However, be consistent because not all kids have the same level of intelligence. Some may not be interested with coloring materials. They will be more interested in other  things like throwing away the papers or the eating them, so please be very careful.

You will need:

Cream (whip cream) or Condensed Milk
Food coloring (red, yellow, blue)
Apron (if you don't want your kids to get too messy)

(All though cream and condensed milk are edible, you still have to be cautious about it because the purpose of this activity is to introduce color and not for them to eat it.)

 Put the cream in each container.
I just used jar lids to recycle them.
(You don't need to buy everything. Just less expenses but more of fun and learning.)

 Food coloring

Add one color to each cream. Just 1-3 drops.
Mix it so the color will spread evenly.

And you're kids are ready to do abstract hand painting using the cream coloring materials.

 Curiosity feeds the mind of a child.
While he's looking at the colors. I began telling him the name of each color.

Let the game begin!!!

"I get dirty but I learn."

Kurt's work of Art.
Messy but it's Art.
Besides, there's no mistake in Art.

That's it for the first day of March 2013. I would definitely love to read your thoughts, comments or suggestions.

Feel free to view my profile and from there, you could see my other blogs..

Have fun mommies! Have fun educators!!

Follow me on INSTAGRAM - slimwitch


Jonee Slimwitch

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Paper Weaving

Since we’re celebrating Kalilangan Festival, we will do a craft that has something to do with a Filipino tradition. And that is weaving.

Since, I don’t know how to weave clothing, blankets and bags, I will just weave paper.

Paper weaving.

You will need:
3 colored papers or art papers (you may use construction papers if you like)

How to do it:

Prepare 3 papers of different colors. One will be used for the base. The other two will be cut later.

Fold your base (black paper) crosswise. Then fold it crosswise again for about 3 or 4 times and cut using your scissors but don’t cut the tip (1 inch tip). Set aside the black paper.

Fold crosswise.

 Alexa doing her fold.

 This is how it should look like.

 Cut the folded lines but leave an inch at the tip.

It should look like this.

Prepare the 2 other papers. Fold it length wise about 3 or 4 times. Use the folded line as your guide for cutting. Cut all of the lines until you have strips.

Fold the other two papers lengthwise 3 or 4 times.

Cut the folded lines and you will have this.

Start weaving. Use blue and orange strips. Blue color first then orange. The movement for weaving on the black paper using the blue and orange strips are like that of a wave up, down, up, down and you’re done.

Up, down, up, down motion. There should be an alternate movement.
The purpose of having two colors for the strips is for the beginners. And for them not to be confused.
All green strips here have the same motion. All yellow strips have the same motion.

Look at the edges. Cut the excess strips on both left and right then glue it on the base and in this case, the color black base.

First learned this in grade school when I was 10 years old.

Cut the excess strips on both sides. Glue the edges / strips at the edges to lock it.


 Please check out my other blog about travel and leisure. I have posted about Kalilangan Festival. That was my inspiration for paper weaving craft.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

When kids HUG back

Today is one the most difficult part of my career. I just took an examination about something - something I really dream of 12 years ago. I am hoping for the best but expecting the worst.

In this picture, my son reminds me of my husband.
Daddy's look a like except for the eyes, those are mine.
Little Kurt is super sweet like my husband.

There are really times in our lives that, we, adults cannot share things with our little ones because they still cannot understand what's happening.

However, my son paid my daily hugs for him with a rather heart-melting, super warm and stress - relieving hug after the long day I had and after what I've been through.

I suddenly remember the topic I posted a couple of days ago about the touch that heals. Please check this out:

Sometimes, giving up something (even your own career you've studied for and prepared for your whole life) really makes sense especially when you're doing it for your child.

That's my son and I.
The sweetest hug of the day from a baby who loves his mommy so much.
Children learn what they live.
If you teach them love and hug, they will definitely learn how to hug and love back.

Sometimes, amazing things happen when you least expect it like the hug I got from my son. It's probably the connection that a mother has with her child.

And sometimes, great deeds come from people we least expect.

And as for the result of my exam, I guess I just have to wait.

Friday, February 22, 2013


Just being thankful for today. Thankful for those people who love me and who surround me, especially to my husband who supports me all the time in the things I do, whether stupid or good or nonsense or serious things.

I realized that within almost 3 years of getting married, I'm a very lucky woman & wife to have my husband by my side.

Coffee time with my friend and former colleague after judging a school activity.

 The stage looks so different from where I am seated. Last year, I was just busy helping my colleagues and students for this activity. This year is different, I was seated in a much comfortable area.
Thanks JIB IS for having me as a judge in your literary competition this year.
I have learned so much from the ideas of your students.

Thanks to my sister for a wonderful job---doing my hair.

After the literary competition, I have learned to value my family, my son and husband even more. One student restated a quote saying "Do not educate your child to be rich. Instead, educate him to be happy, so no matter how much or little he has, he would learn how to appreciate it." That goes out to everyone as well even to me.

Other discussed about valuing of life, divorce and a lot of topics. Only they went down to one thing --- Value the things you should value..

Then I remembered this "A valued thing will only be valued if its value is being valued."

After the competition, I talked to my husband and there was a conversation still about having what you have. Maybe I was just neglecting what I had. At some point, I learned that I am alive. At some point, I learned that I was not even grateful for the life that the Lord has given me. At some point, I neglected the good husband and good son the Lord gave me. Maybe, it's time to tell them I am thankful.

This photo should be bigger than the others.
This is a collage of me, pictures of me for almost 3 years of marriage
and 12 years of being with the same man.
The thing is, I never looked UGLY...
Because I have a good and loving husband and son.

I love you dad Ian Robert Acedilla.

Just sharing happiness today...

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Butterfly Decor / Card / Paper Craft

Butterfly Decor / Card / Paper Craft

Another way for moms to bond with their kids is to do paper craft. This paper craft is all about butterfly.

Things you need:
Colored papers / constructions papers / paper stocks
Hole punch / puncher
Pencil (for sketch)

How to do it:
Prepare 2 papers with different colors. I will use pink and green papers. Fold them in half. Keep the other paper inside of the other.

Prepare a pencil. Using the papers folded in half; draw a butterfly wing, just the half wing. Don’t remove the paper inside (green).

Cut the outline you made using your scissors. Remove the paper inside (green), we will use it later.

Using the other paper (outer layer; pink) draw another sketch of butterfly wing but only half of it. After doing so, cut it using your scissors. Don’t throw anything. Just set aside the pink butterfly wings both the small cut and the outer lining cut.

Using the (inner layer; green) other paper put some holes at the edge using punch hole or puncher. When the edges are already punched, get the smaller butterfly wing (pink) we made earlier and glue it on one side of the butterfly wing with holes.

After doing that, get the pink outer lining and glue it on the side.

Get a scratch colored paper / paper stock. Draw a body of the butterfly and you may also draw its head. Glue it on the wings.

Get some colored scrap booking wires and glue it on the butterfly. This will serve as its antenna.

You may add some glitter if you wish. Make it more fancy and colorful if you like.

Remember: Your imagination is your limit.


  1. Teachers and moms may use this as bonding time with children and pupils.
  2. Moms and teachers may use this as decor in their kids’ rooms.
  3. Moms and teachers may use this as a butterfly card.
  4. Teachers may use this for art class.
  5. Helps kids become more creative and imaginative.

Let me read your comments. I'd be happy to know your thoughts. Don't forget to visit my other articles in this blog. It might help you with your babies and kids. Have fun!

Thanks to for this paper craft.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


The touch that heals

My son and I... captured moment.. 
Thanks to my sister Liza Jane Genotiva who took this photo year 2012

Do you know that there’s a kind of touch that heals? If you don’t know yet, well... there is and that is HUG.

Hug is a basic need to a child’s emotional development and even a need for adults.

When there is a discomfort with babies like they pee, poop, or when they are hungry, they can’t say what it is. The only means of communication they have is crying. What if it’s not about poop, pee or hunger? What if it’s about immunization or vaccine (for example)? Even some adults cry over an injection. We really don’t know how to deal with it and the basic and immediate response a mom or dad can give is a hug. And somehow, it eases the pain for the babies.

When kids, preschoolers or toddlers get upset over a broken toy, apart from fixing it, what else can you do? There are toys which can’t be mended or there are toys which can be mended but sometimes, we don’t know how and that makes the situation worse. We are the heroes for our little ones and yet we can’t fix a simple toy problem. Of course, there are ways to resolve it like let other people fix it and talk to the child about this or buy another one. But as a parent the immediate response would be hug and soothing words.

When teenagers are down because of peer pressure, bullying at school or crush issues, they feel lonely. And most of teenagers have different ways in handling their problems however, only a few of them have a positive approach with teen issues. So, what will parents do? Scold them or just let them figure out a way to solve their own problem? Well, that could be. However, these teenagers need just a hug. It may feel a bit awkward for some parents who are not get used to hugging and talking but seriously, your hug let them feel secure and safe at home. Your hug can make them feel that they are understood, maybe not in school but at home.

When adults had too much to handle in one day because of bills to pay, children to attend to, jobs that really sucks with a low pay, boss who’s very demanding and yet not even working their ass off and husbands or wives who are cheating on them, they feel more than down, in fact mixed emotions but most of it are negative emotions. Adults even need hugs! Get a friend and have that hug. That kind of touch is a way of communication which means you are not alone.

Here are some benefits of hug:
  • It makes you feel comfortable.
  • It makes you feel relieved.
  • It gives you the assurance and security you want.
  • It gives you acceptance.
  • It makes you feel safe.
  • It makes you feel you are understood.
  • It makes you feel you have a friend.
  • It makes you feel you are loved.

For babies and children, hug is more than security and safety. It is more than being comfortable or more than taking away the pain that they feel at the moment. For children, this form of touch lets them know and be aware that their parents love them. It is very magical that it eases the discomfort that they feel at the moment and turns cries into smiles and even laughter. And adults know that!

Always remember: "It takes 4 hugs a day to survive, 8 hugs a day to maintain, and 12 hugs a day to grow." –from article I have read-

Share some hugs everyone!!!

Other articles you would like to read regarding hugs:

Please don’t forget to visit my profile and from there, you could see my other blogs for business, travel and leisure. Or read some of my articles in this blog. It might help you understand your babies and kids. Thanks a lot!!! Have a nice day!

Monday, February 18, 2013

He Throws Everything (1-2 year-old kids throwing things)

He Throws Everything

Lately, I have observed my son throwing a lot of things to anywhere he likes and to just anyone. He throws balls, toys, spoon, fork and a lot of things.

It annoys me at first and often time scolds him because of this behavior. I researched about this and I found out that, throwing things is a part of his learning activity with his age as he is 1 year and 10 months. However, he started doing this when he was 1 year and 5 months. I thought this was a very problematic situation but no!

Taken February 15, 2013
Bring him to a playhouse or place where there are a lot of balls and balloons to play with.

In fact, he develops his fine motor skills as he throws objects according to this I’m just glad that I ran over that article and found out that there really is nothing to worry about. Plus, we need to explain to them that every time they throw, they should not throw it to just anybody so they won’t hurt other people or tell them not to throw it on end point surfaces like the wall because they might hurt themselves if the ball bounces back.

Taken December 2012

One way, we can make sure that child play is safe.. well, just be with your kids or have time with them if you are working moms or dads. A little time with your kids won’t hurt, as a matter of fact, it will help them.

I hope, I helped you with this article. Enjoy your play time with your kids!!!

Don’t forget to visit my profile and from there, you could view some of blogs regarding other things you should know about travel and leisure and business. Thanks much!!

Can't Smile Without You

Can’t Smile Without You
Jonee Slimwitch

Teething means the eruption of teeth out from the gums...

Teething happens in babies between 5-7 months. There are babies who got their teeth as early as 4 months and some are way too late. Still, no matter how long it takes, it is always appreciated.

(My son and his first teeth.. That's right after eating something.. Way back 2011)

Usually, first teeth to come out are the ones at the bottom, central incisors. When these little pearls come out, the gums are swollen and reddish.

(He felt better this time.. No more swelling and reddish gums..)

When your baby’s teeth are about to erupt, you will notice some of the following:

  • Drooling
  • Crying
  • Biting
  • Loosing appetite
  • Irritability
  • Discomfort
  • Lack of sleep or altered sleeping pattern
  • Fever (for some babies like my son)

Your baby may encounter some or all of the above. There are some tips below on how to ease their pain:

  • Gum massage (slightly)
  • Use teething gel (given by the pedia)
  • Always keep the chin, around the mouth and neck areas dry so they won’t have rashes.
  • Keep their hands dry and clean (especially when they are biting those so that microorganisms won’t lodge in between the fingers).
  • Use clean cold cloth for massage.
  • Use teething rings.

But more than those tips, mommies should be patient and understanding in these times because only their love and care could ease magically their babies’ pain and discomfort.

After all, we all can’t smile without TEETH!

(Almost complete teeth. Taken January 2013, at age 1 year old and 9 months.
Good job Tita Hana Deonoso for this photo.)

Don't forget to visit my profile. From there, you could view my other blogs about moms, children, travel and leisure and business. Thanks!

NOTE: I just transferred this from my other blog...