Friday, May 2, 2014

Summer Workshop

For early summer activity, I thought of one way to sharpen kids' mind this summer since my cousins are staying in our place. I have decided to invite one of my cousin's friends over and volunteered to teach them intensive MSE workshop. MSE stands for Mathematics, Science and English. We did it for only 14 hours. 

The main objective is to let them learn the subjects they hate in the easiest way and let them experience FUN!

More than paper works, they had a lot of exercises involving physical activities plus mental activities which they do not know really exists already.

Cognitive learning is good but affective and psychomotor learning should also be included. So, we did games. You know what they say "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." It's one way to teach them how to be competitive, accept losing and yet maintain friendship.

I also included art in the process of teaching difficult subjects like Math and Science because not all learners are of the same intellectual capacity. Learning should be fun. I never wanted my learners to experience the horrible way of learning that my other teachers did before when I was in grade school. But not all of my teachers were horrible only some.

Kids are also well provided with meals and snacks. They got their ice cream during extremely hot days. Ice cream is one way to comfort them and their way of thinking.

And at the end of the training, they were rewarding with simple certificates.

That's it for now. Have a lovely summer everyone!

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