Monday, February 18, 2013

No more worries, Mommy!!


A Quick Guide for First-Time Moms
-Jonee Slimwitch

First time mommies tend to over react on simple things about their first babies like when the baby cries out loudly, when the baby can’t poo for the whole day, when the baby sneezes or when the baby coughs.
Well, there are common baby illnesses to be aware of when handling your first babies. Listed below is a quick guide for loving mamas out there:

·         Cough and colds – Babies with untested immune system are the prime targets of a lot of viruses. If your baby has a cold, he might have a runny nose with clear mucus that may turn grey, yellow or green in the next couple of days or weeks. This may cause a low-grade fever. In cases of low-grade fever, the baby might lose his appetite even though the fever’s gone which could be considered as a serious problem. Make sure babies get plenty of fluid and rest. When he sleeps, moms should incline his head a bit so he can breathe easily. But of course consulting your physician is still a good way to know medical things.

·         Rashes – The baby’s skin is probably the most sensitive thing on earth. There are different causes of rashes. The most common rash is the diaper rash. Make sure to clean baby’s bottom with water, soap and clean cloth or wet wipes with anti – rash. Sometimes, rashes are formed because of viruses from chicken pox and measles. Suspicious red skin or more than the usual rash should be asked from a dermatologist, to prevent further infection, that is.

·         Fever – High grade fever is scary since babies know nothing but cry especially when in pain or when something’s wrong with them. Since crying is the only means of communication they have for the people around them, better know the first aid formula for handling high grade fever. First, take note of how high the fever is. Temperature higher than 38 degrees is a high grade fever. You may do TSB or tepid sponge bath for the baby. Then, take note for any signs of infection like cough or colds, skin color and appetite lose. After doing so, take the baby to the pediatrician as this is the safest way for mommies to know what will be the medicine to give their precious ones.

·         Allergy and asthma– There are many forms of allergies and asthma, and even many ways on how it could occur. Allergy is one way of the baby’s immune system in reacting to substances like itch, swelling or rash. Sometimes it comes from allergens like egg, chicken, milk and soya. Sometimes it could be from pets or dust and even from strong perfumes and powders. Some of these are hereditary. When none of the parents have allergies or asthma, then there is a little chance for the baby to have it. When one of the parents has allergies or asthma, then there is a medium chance for the baby to have it. But when both of the parents have allergies or asthma then there is a bigger chance for the baby to have it. Still, you can always bring the baby to the nearest pediatrician or skin doctor.

·         Colic – All babies cry – of course! But those with colic tend to cry relentlessly for a number of hours several times in a week. Although there is no further explanation as to whether why this really happens, moms could try other ways to relieve such thing. You could try to massage the baby and rub his tummy in a clockwise motion. This could help in burping and better digestion. Avoid, if possible, over feeding and under feeding. Another additional reason to colic is that there is a reaction with cow’s milk.

Always remember to know a bit of everything when it comes to baby matters. At any sign of the above mentioned common baby illnesses, always bring the baby immediately to the doctor after first aid. And remember: MOMS know BEST!

NOTE: I just transferred this from my other blog. But this was written weeks ago.

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