Monday, December 29, 2014

Three - Month Old Milestone

Hi Mommies!

I will be sharing about the development of 3 – month old babies this time.

For little angels at 3 months, their neck is much stronger this time. When you carry them, they could already carry their heads but there should be support. They sometimes wobble but that is normal. They stretch their legs and kick when they are happy or excited. It is one of their ways to communicate on how they feel. They also talk to familiar people by coos and sounds.

 Our little sweetheart.

They focus on colors. They love watching different colors and different shapes. It enhances their intellectual capacity. Their eyes mature and most of the time follows the object they focus from slow to a bit faster movement. They even stare at their own faces when you let them look at the mirror. For hearing, they love listening to music. But I suggest Mozart’s and Beethoven’s.

Our little girl on her belly now on her 3rd month.
She's trying to control her knees and hands for her to crawl.

They have bigger space for milk now. They could even sleep longer than the few months. Of course, sleeping pattern still changes.  Sometimes, when they cry during their sleep, just let them be. Give it about a few minutes before you should carry them again because they are having dreams or they just cried because of their own movements.

Some babies are advance and some are late but never worry. Unless, it is really too late.

Have fun mommies!

From our family to yours..

Merry Christmas!!!
Christmas 2014

Friday, December 26, 2014

Two - Month Old Milestone

Hello Mommies!!!

It’s time to give some baby updates.

Our little Princess at 2 months.

For two month old babies, their sleeping pattern by this time has changed again. With regards to their psychomotor development, babies’ motor development is more coordinated than the earlier month. The sucking reflex is stronger. They even love sucking their fingers. So keep their fingers clean and dry to avoid eating germs.

For the babies’ emotional development, they already smile when you talk to them or when you smile to them. That is how they interact socially. Although, there are other babies who would already laugh at this time but not all do that. So, don't compare your kids with other kids.

 When she first smiled.

The result of PURE breastfeeding; a healthy baby.

For brain development, babies’ love looking at things with different colors especially dark colors. They even love things with circles or other shapes. These images help them discover colors and shapes.

Caught on cam.. Her first laughter.. 

For their senses, they love listening to your voices and they also wander when there are people with unfamiliar faces and voices. So, always try to talk to your babies so they could easily remember your faces and voices distinctively from others or from strangers.

That’s it for now! Have fun!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

One Month Old Milestone

Hello Mommies! After giving birth, moms would feel tired and sleepy all the time. But there is one thing that would make mommies awake and that would be the newborn baby!

My daughter Kera when she a few days old.

The journey to motherhood starts the day moms see their newborns. Taking care of newborn babies should be taken seriously. These little munchkins are way too young to help themselves. They are very dependent to their mothers.

When she was a month old.

Most of the time during the first month of the baby’s life, the baby will just sleep a lot. Parents must be aware that the baby will have a different sleeping pattern and it depends on the baby. No baby is alike, not even all your children even if they have the same parents. Although they sleep a lot, they also do other things like developing their innate reflexes like sucking. Not only sucking but coughing, sneezing and hiccups comes along with the first few months of development.

Taking care of newborns require hard work, patience and full safety. They could not lift their heads on their own, so they need full assistance and guidance. Giving bath would be a little tedious because warm water should always be prepared and bathing them should be quick but really clean. It should be quick because the heat in their body or thermoregulation is not yet fully developed. They might get colds if soaked too long in the water. The more you cuddle your baby the moment you breastfeed is the more their thermoregulation in their body develops quickly.

Newborns and one month old babies are near sighted. Their eyes are still developing that’s why they couldn’t see things clearly. They could easily smell their mothers but takes time to recall. They also like sweet smell. However, there are children that are very sensitive and they sneeze a lot when they smell too harsh scents like perfumes or air fresheners or powders. So if possible, avoid strong scents that would cause asthma. Their hearing is not clear yet but they could hear sounds like the voices of their mothers or fathers. So, don’t freak out if they will not react to your call or when you talk to them.

That’s if for now. I hope you got some good ideas on what to expect during the first month of your babies. Have a lovely day!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Common Baby Rashes

The smile of a newborn baby excites mom and dad. But some newborns won’t smile at an early stage of life. That’s normal since their facial muscles are not yet fully developed. However, if babies are already crying too much because of skin rashes or allergies, that is already a problem.

Some babies are born with flawless skin but not all babies are like that. There are quite a number of babies with skin rashes. Some articles would reveal that this is one reaction of the newborn’s skin upon exposure outside the mother’s womb.

Here is a list of newborn rashes that you need to consider:

1.       Baby Acne or Neonatal Acne
Baby acne or neonatal acne is just like pimples on an adult’s face. Some researchers said that this neonatal acne is a result of maternal hormones. But this baby pimple will last for several weeks. Treatment is not required. It will be gone, in time.

2.       Baby Dandruff
Baby dandruff appears on the baby’s scalp and even on the face and neck. It may appear like an adult dandruff on the scalp but it is quite reddish on the face and neck. It is very itchy for the babies. Some doctors said that it will just come off in several weeks. But for those parents who would like to really make sure, you could always go check on some creams which will make it go away but of course with the advice of the pedia or dermatologist.

3.       Dry, peeling skin
Dry, peeling skin is normal for newborns.

4.       Jaundice
Jaundice is a medical condition where there is yellowing of the eyes and skin of a baby. It happens when babies’ liver are slightly immature.

5.       Mongolian spots
Mongolian spots are common to babies with dark skin. It is flat and gray in color, more like a bruise. It can be small or large. These are harmless and would just fade away.

6.       Eczema
Eczema is a skin condition. It is the inflammation of the skin characterized by red and itchy formation of scaly patches that may leak fluid. It could often be seen on babies’ face, chest, arms, and legs and behind the knees. The doctor has some gentle creams for the babies if this is the case.

7.       Cradle Cap
Cradle cap is a greasy, yellowish crust that appears on the scalp. It may include red, irritating rash on the babies’ face, behind the ears and neck. The doctors will tell you on what to do and what creams to put if this is the case.

8.       Prickly Heat
Prickly heat is like a red bump. It happens on areas which babies often sweat like the neck, armpit and diaper area. Just keep the area dry and clean to avoid this.

9.       Fungal Infection
Fungal infection is also known as candidiasis. On the baby’s tongue will appear like dried milk only it cannot be scraped off like the milk. On the diaper area, it looks like an intense red rash. There are antifungal creams which are recommended by doctors.

10.   Milia
Milia are white bumps. It appears on the baby’s face like nose, chin and cheeks. Just use a gentle soap that is good for babies.

If you have other concerns, you can always research on the internet on the types of rashes that newborns experience including the causes and the treatment. But it is still better to get a health professional’s opinion like Pedia or Dermatologist as they know better.

That’s it for now. Have a great day!

Encarta Dictionaries

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Natural Milk - Mama's Milk

Breastfeeding is feeding the baby with mother’s natural milk.  It is from the mammary glands of the mothers. Breast milk is a gift or a blessing. Breast milk gives so many benefits both for the mommy and the baby. Before discussing the benefits, it is just right to know what is actually inside this milk that makes it a blessing to all the babies.

My milk

Breast milk contains colostrum during the first few days after giving birth. Colostrum is rich in protein and antibodies that provide immunity to the baby. It also helps the newborn’s digestive system. Human milk also contains fatty acid, carbohydrates and other minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium and phosphorus. (According to

Our little princess at 1 month old.
Purely breastfed

The benefits of breast milk do not end on the babies alone; in fact mothers are also entitled to the advantages of breast milk.

Benefits for the baby:
1.       Breast milk protects the baby from illnesses.
2.       It protects babies from developing allergies.
3.       It boosts child’s intelligence.
4.       Breastfeeding may protect your child from obesity.
5.       It lowers the risk of SIDS or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
6.       It decreases risk for asthma and eczema.
7.       It decreases the risk for ear infection.
8.       It also gives resistance against cold and flu.
9.       It decreases dental problems.
10.   It decreases the risk of the child to develop psychological disorder.
11.   It helps the child be closer to the mother.
(Various sources from the internet and books.)

Benefits for the mother:
1.       Breastfeeding reduces stress level of the mothers.
2.       It also lessens risk of post partum depression.
3.       It may also reduce the risk of developing cancer like breast cancer and ovarian cancer.
4.       It assists the uterus in returning into its pre-pregnancy size easier and faster.
5.       It reduces postpartum bleeding.
6.       It helps the mother get back to its pre-pregnancy weight.
(Various sources from the internet and books.)

Economical benefit:
1.       It is way cheaper than those of formula milk.

Other sources would specifically tell that the child should be breastfed for at least 6 months and at most 2 years.

Clearly, breastfeeding your child is very advantageous to both you and your newborn. Mothers should make sure that they eat healthy food like fruits and vegetables so that the babies will also eat whatever they will eat.

I hope this article gives you insight. Have fun mommies!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Giving Birth? Better Be Prepared...

Being a mom is a lot of work in progress. Moms need to prepare a lot of things even if the baby is still inside the tummy. So, on this blog, I will be sharing the things that mommies should prepare for the baby when they are out to see the world.

Things to prepare for Mommies:
·         Pre – Natal Check ups
·         Maternity Clothes
·         Binder (after pregnancy)
·         Napkins or Pads (after pregnancy)
·         Bigger underwear
·         Stretch mark remover creams
·         Healthy food (for breast feeding)
·         Fruits (after pregnancy for post operation especially CS)
·         Breast Pump (if you are breast feeding)

Things to prepare for Babies:
·         Baby clothes: Rompers, Over – alls, Mini PJ’s, baby tops, Mittens, Booties, Baby Beanie, Towels, Lampin
·         Baby bottles (if you are not breast feeding), Powder milk container
·         Alcohol, Diaper, Cotton, Bath Tub, Baby Soap, Diaper changing pad, Rubber bath pad, Wet tissues / wipes (incase you are going somewhere),  Baby Moisturizing Creams (if given by pedia)
·         Baby Bag (this is where you will put all your baby items so when you are already experiencing labor, the things are ready to go as well)

Our baby girl... Hours after delivery

If you are a first time mom and you had your baby delivered through Normal Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery,  that would be better because the healing process is way faster than CS delivery. Normal deliveries suffer severe pain during labor and during the process of delivering the baby itself. After giving birth, expect that you will have a hard time defecating and urinating is painful due to the wound in your vagina.

If you had your baby delivered through CS, be ready for a longer healing process. After CS delivery, you will experience the wearing off of the anaesthesia. Be prepared for more blankets on your feet because you will chill. The moment you could already stand up, you must fart in order for you to eat soft diet meal. When you are already able to eat soft diet meal like porridge, bread and etc., make sure that you could defecate. Defecating is a sign that you could already go home.

Our baby... Two days old..

Note: I am not an expert but I assisted a few deliveries both Normal vaginal spontaneous delivery and CS delivery. Plus my experience of having babies both undergoing CS process could somehow help you mommies out there. But of course, you can always ask your friends, moms and grandmothers regarding their experiences.

Our first family photo, on my birthday..

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Rabies Awareness

Our family puppy - Emcee (mixed breed terrier)
at 4 months

It always excites me to have some pets at home. I love animals. I probably grew up with sorts of animals in our household. We had 2 German Shepherds and a Terrier when I was younger. Even before these dogs, I collect different worms and placed them inside different jars and try to study them and their nature and all that. I also fancy spiders and would go around the subdivision with the boys just to find black widow spiders. Then upon growing up, I had Yuri, my kitten as a pet which I could vividly remember, my mom wanted to get rid of all the time cause Yuri would poop a lot inside our room. Then we had all sorts of mongrel. When I got married and had a baby, we tried to give Kurt a small aquarium. We filled it up with different fishes because he can't have a dog or cat for a puppy although we still have cats just at the back of the house. My son couldn't have dogs or cats or furry pets because he's asthmatic to furry things. My step father bought several chickens, guinea pigs, rabbits, goat and pigs for my son to experience what is it like to have different animals in our backyard.

Then my brother finally decided to get one of the puppies of his friends. We took the puppy when the pup was just 2 months old. My son loves the pup so much. He would play with the pup and Kurt would get very upset if people would scold the dog. He loves pets and animals so much. Until one day, I noticed a scratch on my son's face. It stopped bleeding but there was a deep scratch. I asked him where he got it and he said that Emcee (the puppy) scratched him. I washed the wound with soap and water; then I immediately went to the hospital with ANIMAL CARE CENTER for medical treatment. I got worried because I wasn't sure if my brother had the pup vaccinated or not. 

The nurses gave my son the first shot for anti - rabies and then they educated us that there should be a series of injections to follow. We should observe the dog and have it reported if there is something unusual with the dog.

 My son and the puppies. Emcee's siblings..

According to , "Rabies is a viral disease that affects the nervous system of mammals, including humans. Animals and people can get rabies when they come into contact with the saliva of, or most often through the bite of an infected animal.1 

If a person is bitten by, or exposed to an animal that may have rabies, he or she must receive appropriate medical care immediately in order to prevent rabies disease."

Since I was not sure about the vaccine of the pup, I had to make sure that my son would get his own vaccination.

Things to do:
1) Wash the wound immediately with anti bacterial soap and water.

2) Give immediate medical attention by going to a nearby hospital with Animal Bite Center units. They are experts with this.

3) Never kill the dog. Observe the dog's behavior whether vaccinated or not. There should be a 14 day observation for the status of the dogs.

4) If the dog weakens or died in a few days, report that incident to the one giving the vaccine to your son or anybody who is bitten by a dog. They have a different number of dose of anti rabies vaccine for that than those whose dogs are not dead.

5) Never teach your kids to be scared with dogs (it happened to me once when I got bitten by a dog somewhere in Maitum). Teaching kids to be scared with dogs is not a solution. Instead, teach them what to do and not to do when there are dogs which are not behaving properly.

6) Never teach kids to be cruel to animals. Teach them how to understand animals. Besides, we, human beings are the highest form of animals but that doesn't make us more superior to them in all ways. That just meant that we, above all species should understand them better.

Emcee at 2 months

The vaccine is super costly. But there are public hospitals in the Philippines which have Animal Bite Centers, so if you don't have much money, public hospitals are also options.

I still had my boy checked with his pedia and the doctor said that if the puppy did not die and Kurt had his injections, that's alright. He should just complete it. It is for his own protection.

So, my son completed his vaccine series and is now protected for 3 years. He also got his Rabies Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Card.

For more of dog awareness, I recommend watching the dog whisperer on youtube by Ceasar Millan.
Well, that's it for today. I hope this blog helped you somehow mommies.. 

Have a great day!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Glimpse of my Pregnancy

7th month pregnancy; after walking exercise early in the morning

It has been a long time since I last updated and posted something in my blog about parenting. I had been very busy taking care of my eldest and my unborn child...

A few tips to avoid during pregnancy:

1) If possible, avoid drinking too much soda or colored drinks. This will surely give you a hard time because of UTI. I experienced it with my eldest 3 years ago and I learned my lesson very well. Always remember that the medicines for UTI may not be expensive for some, but for some mommies, these drugs to stop UTI are expensive. So, it is basically your choice. Think of long term effects.

2) If possible, avoid food which causes allergy like chicken or egg. During my first pregnancy, I had asthma attacks because of eating too much shrimp, chicken and egg. It did not do any good so this time on my 2nd pregnancy, I managed to control the chicken diet and egg diet. I will only eat it on my allowable consumption. Know your allergens.

3) If possible, avoid too much sweet food like cakes, donuts, chocolates and all that tastes so heavenly sweet. It was one of the reasons why on my first pregnancy, I was sooooooooo BIG. And this time, if you could see my photos here, I am leaner. Only the baby is growing and not me. Too much sweets will only make the baby in the tummy restless because of too much energy. Too much sweets will also cause the little angels in your tummy to move too much. Yes, you may take pieces of the sweets mentioned above but never too much. Remember: Too much of something is bad enough. Plus that's one way to avoid Gestational Diabetes. Remember: Prevention is better than cure.

4) More water. I just fell in love with water because every time I looked at the soda I was reiterating in my brain and whole system "LONG TERM EFFECT" and long term effect meant my health and my baby's health. Drink your MILK as well. If you can't tolerate the milk, try chocolate milk.

5) More fruits and veggies. I super love eating fruits and vegetables during my 2nd pregnancy. I eat 3 balanced meals plus fruits and even make fruits especially banana as my snack in the morning.

6) If possible, no over feeding especially fatty food. Eat what you can chew. It will give you a hard time in the rest room or comfort room. But eat for you and your baby's consumption because if you will not also eat on time and with the right amount of food for the two of you, the baby will get really hungry and you too.

7) If you are sensitive to any smell or scent, avoid it immediately. This might give you asthma or irritation.

8) More rest and sleep. Although, in this generation, it is very common for women to really work even though pregnant, you still need to rest and sleep. Because during the 8th or 9th month, you will be having restless days and sleepless nights as your body is preparing for labor. And labor could be very painful.

9) Read books. Read it to your baby so he / she could hear you. I am reading story books with my son and allowing my unborn child to hear it.

10) Listen to lovely music which are soothing and relaxing.

11) Constant touch. I do not know how to explain this scientifically because I am not a scientist or whatever. But I am a mother of 2 now. Every time a mom touches the tummy with love and affection, the baby reacts to it..

 Have a happy disposition!

 My 8th month pregnancy. Thanks to my loving husband for this photo.

 8th month pregnancy still during our family gathering...

9th month pregnancy..

Have fun everyone!

Monday, June 16, 2014

From Doodle to Clarity

Kurt, my son is now 3 years.  Most kids in his age would still prefer playing, so let them be. It is a part of a child’s growth and learning. But one thing that ignites my skills for teaching even more is when kids at this age start to ask their parents for guidance on how to write things intelligibly like writing letters and numbers, or drawing shapes.

 Kurt painting shapes
June of 2014

When kids start to hold pen and paper or coloring materials, just let them use it. Although, you have to be very careful because they are going to paint the town red.. (clear throat) I mean, they are going to paint all your walls red and purple and green and all the colors they have in their hands. The most important thing you could do as parents or guardians is to guide them and nourish their skills or talents.

Kurt's first wonderful circles.

Start with simple and common shapes like circle, triangle, square and rectangle. Then teach the other shapes after the common shapes. It would also be better if you have other activities that would enhance the power of reiterating to these toddlers what shapes are. You could cut some used colored papers and show them the shapes you would like them to draw. You could also find objects that show common shapes like box and handkerchief for square or ice cream cone for triangle and balls for circle. Bringing and showing real objects is called authentic learning or learning by real experience. Be very creative and use colorful objects so you could catch the attention of these fine young men and pretty ladies (who only have 5 minute span of attention). You could also let them watch videos with songs that indicate shapes. There are a lot of cd’s or shows on youtube these days which you could pick for your kids.

The squares he painted a day after he painted the circles.
Some kids learn faster than my kid.
But learning process isn't equal to all. Some may learn fast and others learn slower.

He painted triangles 3 days after rectangle.

Everything that you have worked hard for in teaching them on how to scribble will soon be clear. Their doodles will soon have meanings. Patience is a must in teaching toddlers!

He is now starting to write straight lines.
NOTE: Lines should be taught first before letters and numbers.
RATIONALE: For the kids to understand better the origin of the things they are writing
(How letters and numbers came to be).

That’s it for now, I hope you enjoy simple ideas that I shared for your little one to enjoy writing shapes, letters and numbers.

The importance of scribbling here

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Back Pains During Pregnancy

Back Pains during Pregnancy

That baby boy who always make me feel better during my painful (back pain) days.

It amazes some of my friends who are pregnant to see me smile and just be happy about my 2nd pregnancy. But what they do not know is that, it pains me every night because I got severe back pain. I will share some causes and quick relief which I read from my research.


1.       Baby is growing. This is a good sign because that should really happen. Lower back pain, as I could remember from my Clinical Instructors (during my days in College of Nursing), the bones are getting ready for the baby and making room for its growth.
2.       Bad posture. Other books and articles would say that it is about bad posture. Too bad for me because I already have dextrothoracic scoliosis since I was 12 years old. Although I had back bone braces before, still, it pains a lot when I carry heavy things and climbing up and down the stairs. Good thing though that my OB would check if I already visited my Ortho (bone doctor) lately. My OB is not just concerned with the baby but with the well being of the mom. She would always remind me to have a good posture and ask if the degrees of curvature went higher.
3.       Daily activity. This is another thing. If your work is more of physical work, then you would experience more pain. However, it still varies from one person to the other because I know some pregnant women who carry really heavy things and yet maintain healthy pregnancy. There are as well those who are well – pampered and being treated like a princess but really have back pains almost every day.
4.       Stress. Well, stress is so obvious. Stress won’t give you just back pains but all the pains in the world.

Quick relief:
1.       Hot or cold compress. Books and articles would suggest that. But I rather have hot compress but not too much though. It gives a feeling of relaxation.
2.       Maintaining a good posture. This is really good for those who have a normal spinal column because it’s easy for them. It is on the other hand a challenge for me because my good posture is not a good posture for ordinary women. My right pelvic bone is a bit higher than my left so what I usually do is just to have a quick rest every time it pains me.
3.       Daily light exercise. The kind of exercise varies from one mom to the other. I have a friend who is a mom, a gym instructor and triathlon coach; she does zumba, yoga and other exercises and she’s doing fine. My Aunt is a dance instructor; she would even dance in high heeled shoes but she’s alright. It was so easy for her to deliver the baby because of her well toned muscles. So, it really depends. You cannot force yourself to do what other pregnant women do. Work at your own pace.
4.       Be happy!

That’s it for now. I’ll keep you posted for more of baby care.

Sneak peak of our baby girl.
And I thought my husband will just post this on facebook but to my surprise he placed this:
"Finally, I got the first glimpse of you, my little princess. Daddy may not always be there near you. But that doesn't change the fact that I love you very much. In a few months, I'll be holding you close to me. For now, take it easy on mommy. Thank you very much sweetheart Jonee Ross. I miss you. 

And a million thanks to my husband who is always there for me and our kids.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!!! (Mother's Day 2014)

 My mamang

Happy Mother's Day to all moms out there! We had a small celebration at my mother's house for this event. My brother surprised my mom and I with his bouquet of flowers. It was really lovely. 

To all the selfless mothers out there, today is your day. It is just and right to give you super thanks for all the things you have done for us since the day we were conceived up to now. 

Happy Mother's Day as well to those mommies who are close to me (family line): Lola Melay, Mommy Nena, Mama Tata, Mamu Nene, Tita Delia, Mommy Remy, Mama Eunice.

That's me and my mamang.

Thanks to my brother and my husband for the lovely flowers you gave me
and to my sister-in-law who handed it to the flowers from my husband.
Forgive me for how I look. I'm a bit messy.
5 months pregnant here...

Friday, May 2, 2014

Summer Workshop

For early summer activity, I thought of one way to sharpen kids' mind this summer since my cousins are staying in our place. I have decided to invite one of my cousin's friends over and volunteered to teach them intensive MSE workshop. MSE stands for Mathematics, Science and English. We did it for only 14 hours. 

The main objective is to let them learn the subjects they hate in the easiest way and let them experience FUN!

More than paper works, they had a lot of exercises involving physical activities plus mental activities which they do not know really exists already.

Cognitive learning is good but affective and psychomotor learning should also be included. So, we did games. You know what they say "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." It's one way to teach them how to be competitive, accept losing and yet maintain friendship.

I also included art in the process of teaching difficult subjects like Math and Science because not all learners are of the same intellectual capacity. Learning should be fun. I never wanted my learners to experience the horrible way of learning that my other teachers did before when I was in grade school. But not all of my teachers were horrible only some.

Kids are also well provided with meals and snacks. They got their ice cream during extremely hot days. Ice cream is one way to comfort them and their way of thinking.

And at the end of the training, they were rewarding with simple certificates.

That's it for now. Have a lovely summer everyone!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Congratulations to Bryan Genotiva

Congratulations to my brother
Bryan Genotiva
Bachelor of Science in Nursing

It took me more than a month for this upload. Too late.. But oh well, better late than never. I was busy with other things.

And on the 2nd time, I was not able to attend the graduation ceremony because I was 3 months pregnant and there were a lot of people in the venue. 

He is my brother. Among the three of us, I must say that my brother is the most intelligent. He displayed that higher form of intellect when he was in grade school and I was already in College. He could write poems (which he would let me read every time he finished making something) I never wrote when I was in grade school. He wrote wonderful stories which I haven't got to read. He reminds me a lot of the great Jose Rizal (our national hero in the Philippines). He is a poet.

And I thought poetry would end in grade school. Oh well, he brought that in high school and he was even an Editor-in-Chief in their school paper. He was one of the best debaters during their time.

I wasn't surprise that he graduated College being active in debate team. They had lost some games but they won many times more than they lose for the College of Nursing or Division 5.

One thing I really I felt weird about him is that everyday that he grows older, he gets even conceited.. Bwahahaha.. But ... nevertheless, we love him and we are so proud of him for making it through College.

 During their pinning and ringhop ceremony; with our Mom.

Me, my brother and my mom
Our mom who worked so hard for us three to graduate in College.

 After graduation, we decided to go to the cemetery
to visit our Father and Grandfather who are now with the Lord.
Although Bryan won't speak much, I know he also dedicated
this special event of his life to them.

Our photos..
Me, my sister and my brother

Congrats Bryan!
Our future RN and Physician.