Thursday, May 30, 2013

All For You -- The Sign

A very not the usual post. I can't help but share. I had been busy lately with my business and with something I had been preparing with more than 1 decade now. Still, it bothers me somehow.

So, out of boredom and troublesome thoughts, I was kinda thinking "I was already good and at my best when I still could not find the things I could be happy with." And I ran over this. (Please read below)

I was actually being re-directed to something better.

Somehow I managed to relax although I was surprised with what I saw. I kept thinking "Am I even doing the right thing? Why is this so difficult for me?" I scrolled down (looking on my monitor)... And I saw this (Read below)

To my surprise, I laughed and told myself. "Should I even make a move? What if I'll be doing the wrong thing?". And as I scrolled down.. I saw this..

I was about to cry. I thought these are already signs. How could I possibly just mistakenly see this as a mere quotation when what happened tonight was more than the usual. I am getting scared and worried and even STRESSED out with this once in a lifetime opportunity which I had been holding back for more than a decade. And then.. I saw another quotation which followed the previous one I had read..

It completely says "DON'T STRESS about the future, it hasn't arrived."

And the final question in my mind was then again "Can I do it?"

And the last quotation I read was ...

What a night!

(Just sharing a weird night and some weird quotations which would pop out immediately directly answering my questions.)

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Self Discipline

My friend Teacher Leah and I
at Nadine's Badminton Court
(Soooo happy to do this with friends.. )

I really apologize for not posting lately. Well, I would like to share what I had been up to for the previous days. I wanted to take trimming down and shaping my body seriously because I really don't want to be sick. I had previously mentioned that there are some hereditary diseases which I could possibly acquire because of my family.

The thing is -- if those diseases will haunt me, then I'll be ready for them. I will be prepared and how is that possible? I just have one thing in mind -- exercise.

In my previous article, I have mentioned some benefits of exercise. Please check this for your reference.

Aside from being scared of these diseases, I would like to challenge myself for doing things I don't usually do or things I don't like and things I never imagined me doing. Below is a short list of things I do not fancy before:

1. Exercise
2. Sports

The irony of life.. Those two things are the ingredients I really need to protect myself from harmful diseases and prevent asthma from coming back. Since, I already conquered my fears namely darkness, heights and water in my recent vacation in Cebu, I think it's about time to do things I don't think of doing.

Zumba time is happy time

January - I was 50 kilos due to the pills I had to take

April - I lost weight and got 46 kilos because of continued Arabic Belly Dancing (i love dancing) and I stopped because my son was admitted in the hospital, my son's birthday preparation, my son's birthday, our trip to Cebu and our trip to Bohol.

May - I am happy to share that I weigh 45 kilos. One more kilo to lose and I'll be good. 44 is my target weight for my height and age.

For exercise, I had been doing a combination of zumba and taebo dances. And just recently, I am doing sports badminton.

Zumba time again..

I'm planning to enroll myself to some sports which requires mental and more physical discipline like taekwondo perhaps. Although, I really don't like that. But there will always be other martial arts that would suit me. I even plan to know a bit of every martial arts. I always wanted to become fierce and deadly. Just kidding. This is the time.

Oh well, I will leave you with some points to consider which I got from challengeoverview at instagram: POV on EXERCISE and SPORTS;::

1. Don't WISH for it. WORK for it.
2. FAT lasts longer than FLAVOR.
4. Eliminate 1 soda a day, and you can drop 13 pounds in a year.
5. Yesterday, you said TOMORROW.
6. I'm NOT telling you it is going to be EASY. I am telling you IT IS GOING TO BE WORTH IT.
7. Being FAT is HARD. Losing weight is HARD. So, PICK YOUR HARD.

Besides, since I'm already a mom, I intend to look sexy and look young. I don't want to look older than my mom.

Plus I would like to continue this self discipline so I could be healthy. I want to be healthy because I still want to take care of my boys Ian Robert and Kurt Dean.

Have fun readers! Be healthy!

Don't forget to follow this lil' momma on facebook: Jonee Ross Genotiva Acedilla
Don't forget to follow this lil' momma on instagram: slimwitch

Sunday, May 19, 2013

A Child's Perception

We, adults may often think that children know nothing. Think twice. Children especially on their first few years are very inquisitive. Their minds think critically and their eyes are powerful observers. They give questions which may seem shallow for adults but admit it; even the wisest men cannot answer some of their queries.

Their young minds are like that of a sponge. They absorb all the details they see around them. They even have different perceptions with things.

On my journey as an educator, not as profound as others but I have a wide experience with teaching people; variety of people that is. I have taught children from preschool during my stay in public school in our area. During my OJT because College Graduation, I have taught subjects English, Math, Filipino, Values Education, Science and History to children of ages 8-12 years old and there were at least 40 kids in a classroom. I have taught intensive English training with my previous job as an English Trainer for jobless, College Graduates (who still wanted to pursue further English studies), out-of-school-youth and even professionals who were not well versed in English.

Seeing a student who could interpret an abstract picture or painting is very normal because that kind of thinking is expected from them. But seeing a child less than 4 years old interpreting visible and obvious things in a different way is a total shock.

This letter E on my laptop keyboard is never just an E for a child.
My son said it's a COMB.

This is what my son saw before he said that letter E is like a comb.
My big tooth comb.

Only during the time when I had my son, did I realize that the minds of a month old – 4 years old are really amazing. They have different impressions about just anything they could see or hear. They ask several things mostly how and why. They have the exact hunger for knowledge and thirst for answers.

These are plastic spoons. But my son, Kurt said it's SCISSORS.

Kurt and I playing with the electric fan. He said its like a microphone.
Probably because of the sound when you try to sing or talk in front of a turned on fan.

Just imagine how these little geniuses would accentuate one thing from the other considering the fact that they know less than adults. An example of this is when a child being a showed a picture of a squid and says it’s an octopus and when you try to ask why, the answer would be “because of the tentacles”. They do not know at first that these creatures belong to the same habitat but because of their keen observation regarding the tentacles, they give impressive remark that one animal is like the other; however we all know it isn’t. But the mere fact that a child compares one sea creature with the other is already a progress on their HOTS or higher order thinking skills.

The cardboard of a tissue roll is also a microphone for my son.

It is the same with 12 months old to 2 year old kids incorrectly giving the sound of “aw aw” for a cat or “meow meow” for a dog. This kind of response is not wrong at all. As young as they are, they still explore and haven’t noticed the difference between the two mammals however, consider the existence of how they scrutinize these two animals. Try asking further questions and verify why they have to a conclusion that the sound of that particular animal is so different with the other. Some kids would say “well, I thought it’s a dog because it has four legs and fur. And like dogs, cats stay at home.” That is another proof of intelligence on their reasoning skills.

The simple bucket could be a hat and a big basket for little kids.

There is always an endless possibility for the youngsters. They just have to be guided carefully. Parents or guardians should show good example all the time for kids are watching and they imitate. They are very excellent imitators in every aspect adults do like how elders act, say something or response to situations. They even act out the way moms and dads dress up. Kids are always “mommy and daddy wanna-be”.

Role of Parents / Guardians in a child’s brain development:
1.       Never underestimate little children.
2.       Knowledge is unending so encourage your young ones to be the best they could be.
3.       Induce positive thoughts and be a good influence.
4.       Encourage positive and good attitude, discourage bad ones.
5.       Be there when your child needs you. No matter busy you are, give time.
6.       Answer their questions honestly and if there are certain answers which are negative turn it into positive. For example: My son Kurt is not allowed to eat chicken meat because of his asthma and allergy. So when he asks why, I would tell him that it’s not good for him however, he could try other meat like pork, beef and fish. So he wouldn’t think about chicken and egg.

Besides, it’s the parents’ choice whether they want they child to become a genius or a dullard.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day (2013)

I will only leave two quotes today on my blog. But these quotes are not mine. I just saw it on facebook.

"Life begins with a mother."


"A father's work is from sun to sun. But a mother's job is NEVER done."

"My mamang"

This is my mother. I call her mamang. She is one tough woman and a very strong one also. She's determined  . She's both strict and funny. I really don't have any idea how she does that at once. She was very strict with me and funny with my siblings. HAHAHAHA Maybe because among the three of us, I'm the eldest and I have lots of restrictions because I am the most hard headed child.

She's a single mother for 15 years now, that was since my father died because of cancer. That's one simple logic why she remained tough. She was the sweetest mom when I was younger. She became a dragon when my dad died. Kidding! She probably just didn't want people to make a fool out of her, that's why.

My mom defied all the limitations and pushed herself to do things she thought she could never do. Despite those, I am very proud of her because she did men's work or jobs just to prove that she didn't need any man to send us to school, pay the bills (electricity, phone, water, cable network) and to feed us. She had done men's work that I know other mommies could not do without their husbands like changing light bulbs, fix water pipes in the rest room and lavatory or measure them or fix anything that requires men.

Mamang taught me a lot of things since the day I was born. She's one incredible woman. We kinda look the same in some ways but I look like more of my dad. We are different in every aspect. What she likes, I don't like. What I like, she doesn't like. One best example is that she cooks really good and I am adequate. She bakes really awesome goodies, makes good home made burger and halo halo with all halo halo ingredients hand made like minatamis na langka, ube jam and all... Oh well, I on the other hand love eating. She sews clothings and I am fine. I could fix my son's clothes but not make new ones. Oh but we both love cross stitching. I do cross stitch, she does asterisk stitches. Imagine! She and my sister both love shocking heels with shocking colors and I go with plain but elite choices of heels. Bwahaha if she's gonna read this, she's gonna hit me. But we still get a long with each other especially when my husband turned me into a momma.

When the day came that I started to become a mom, I understand how she was with me because only when you become a mother would you understand how your momma feels and this line too "You'll understand when you become a mom.". 

Happy Mother's Day mamang! 

 Me! effect of zumba and braces.. I got skinny.. LOL
and that's my son's hand reaching for the cake..

 My husband's e'card for me. Thank you love!

This photo is not mine. This was taken from the internet.

Have fun moms!!!

Follow me on facebook: Jonee Ross Genotiva Acedilla
Follow me on instagram: slimwitch

Saturday, May 11, 2013

By The End of 1 Year (12 months)

Today, I will be sharing some important milestones I have read from articles on the internet.
There are developments in a certain age of a child and it is good to know these things as a mom so we could see our child’s performance. And if the child is not doing well, we could somehow help him to improve.
I am very glad to share that my son already mastered and accomplished all the things listed below even before he reached 1 year old. Do not worry if your child did not master everything yet. Always remember that each baby has his own pace and we cannot force him to do it just then. The main role of a mother is to guide the child and not force him.
This is just an additional information for those who have babies of months old - 1 year.  For two years old, I will be posting in a couple of days.
(NOTE: Things written below did not come from me and I do not own the copyright to whatever is there. I just copied this so I could share this to all moms and newbie moms out there. )
For more information visit:
Important Milestones: By The End Of 1 Year (12 Months)
Babies develop at their own pace, so it’s impossible to tell exactly when your child will learn a given skill. The developmental milestones listed below will give you a general idea of the changes you can expect, but don’t be alarmed if your own baby’s development takes a slightly different course.
Social and Emotional
·         Shy or anxious with strangers
·         Cries when mother or father leaves
·         Enjoys imitating people in his play
·         Shows specific preferences for certain people and toys
·         Tests parental responses to his actions during feedings
·         Tests parental responses to his behavior
·         May be fearful in some situations
·         Prefers mother and/or regular caregiver over all others
·         Repeats sounds or gestures for attention
·         Finger-feeds himself
·         Extends arm or leg to help when being dressed
·         Explores objects in many different ways (shaking, banging, throwing, dropping)
·         Finds hidden objects easily
·         Looks at correct picture when the image is named
·         Imitates gestures
·         Begins to use objects correctly (drinking from cup, brushing hair, dialing phone, listening to receiver)
·         Pays increasing attention to speech
·         Responds to simple verbal requests
·         Responds to “no”
·         Uses simple gestures, such as shaking head for “no”
·         Babbles with inflection (changes in tone)
·         Says “dada” and “mama”
·         Uses exclamations, such as “Oh-oh!”
·         Tries to imitate words
·         Reaches sitting position without assistance
·         Crawls forward on belly
·         Assumes hands-and-knees position
·         Creeps on hands and knees
·         Gets from sitting to crawling or prone (lying on stomach) position
·         Pulls self up to stand
·         Walks holding on to furniture
·         Stands momentarily without support
·         May walk two or three steps without support
Hand and Finger Skills
·         Uses pincer grasp
·         Bangs two objects together
·         Puts objects into container
·         Takes objects out of container
·         Lets objects go voluntarily
·         Pokes with index finger
·         Tries to imitate scribbling

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Stay Fit, Look Fit... Look Healthy, Feel Healthy...

2nd day Zumba. But not the 2nd day of exercise. I had been engaged with belly dancing months ago..

It’s been a long time since I last posted something on my blog. The entire week was really challenging because the kids got sick. And I had to engage myself in exercising.

It’s scary when you have asthma attacks or when you have family members who have heart diseases and diabetes. I had asthma attacks since I got pregnant with my son and even after giving birth. My dad’s family all have asthma. Some members of my mom’s family have obesity problems, heart diseases and diabetes.

So, while I am still young I have to do something to prevent these things from happening. One thing I have done for the past week was exercising. I engaged myself with zumba, although I had been really doing jogging and belly dancing for 2 months now. It really works because 2 months ago, I was 50kilos and right now I am just 46 kilos which is already good for my height which is 5 feet. However, if I could reach around 43 or 44, that would be better.

What is exercise? Exercise is when you do activities for the body that promotes wellness and physical fitness.

1.       You can control you weight. Controlling your weight means managing your physical appearance and wellness.
2.       Exercising gives you good health. Whether you like it or not, by being physically active, you are maintaining good health because you prevent diseases and reduce stress levels.
3.       Exercising reduces risk for heart problems. It helps you reduce or even remove excess fats, unwanted calories in your body, protects your heart and lessens risk for high blood or obesity.
4.       Keeps you mentally fit. It really gives you better way of thinking and even makes you happier.
5.       Helps reduce severity of asthma.  Exercise usually helps in normalizing breathing which is good for the lungs.
6.       It boosts energy. Not doing anything makes you lazy. Plus it improves your daily routine and makes you finish chores faster.
7.        It improves sleeping pattern. This helps you sleep faster and deepen your sleep.
8.       Helps improve sex life. Exercising improves libido and sexual functioning.
9.       It boosts self – confidence. Face it! If you look good, you feel good.

However, there are certain exercises which are not allowed for people who have severe health conditions and there are people who are not allowed to do tiresome activities. Know your health problems so you would know the exercises you are to do.

Follow me on facebook: jonee ross genotiva acedilla
Follow me on instagram: slimwitch

Friday, May 3, 2013

Crazy Friends Drop By

Me me me doing the job.. 

Some crazy teachers went here this afternoon. I did their nail arts! Yehey!!! Busy chit chatting while paying attention to details.

Please visit my blog about travel and leisure for you to know HOW TO DO THESE nail art designs.. The page is written on the photos. 

Thanks for dropping by Teachers!!! I had a wonderful time with you ladies.. I hope someday, on your wedding days, I can do your nail art designs again. hahaha

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Let's Work with Secondary Colors

Let's Work with Secondary Colors

Green, Orange and Purple

Since we are done with our Primary Colors lesson -, let's start working with Secondary Colors.

Introducing red, yellow and blue are already difficult for the children. Therefore, let's be aware that if they are having difficulty in the primary colors, they may have the same level of stress if we force the secondary colors.

However, there are two ways to introduce secondary colors to the little kids; one is be creative and two is be fun!

That's right! Coloring should be a fun way for the angels, less stress and more happy experiences.

To begin with, let's review. We have red, yellow and blue for primary colors. For us to make the secondary colors, we must always remember our primary colors.

Secondary color means the combination of some primary colors in order to produce another color.

 Yellow + Blue
is what???? Guess!


Always remember that yellow and blue is always green.

 Red + Blue
Is what??? Guess!


Always remember that the combination of red and blue is purple.

Yellow + Red
Is what??? Guess!


Always remember red and yellow is orange.

 Kurt mixing his colors...

Other exciting ways to introduce colors:
1. Use color wheel.
2. Use flash lights and colored cellophanes.
3. Use water colors or color pens.
4. Use powder coloring materials.
5. Use coloring materials for baking and do some cake.

 Alexa mixing colors..

There are several ways for the kids to have fun during color introduction day. Just make sure they will do it by themselves because this is one technique for them to easily remember something - RLE or Related Learning Experience.

 Anica mixing her colors.

Let your kids get dirty so they will learn.

I was showing them how to do finger painting.

Finish Product

This is also one way for you and your kids to have wonderful moments together. Cherish every moment you are with your kids and make it really special! And remember, kids will only become kids ONCE.

Have a great day! I'll be glad to read your comments.

Follow me on instagram - slimwitch
Follow me on facebook - jonee ross acedilla